Itext7-dotnet get pdf info
Itext7-dotnet get pdf info

itext7-dotnet get pdf info

The first of these links was in Java while the second was in.


I again turned to Google which threw up this and this link with code samples for signing documents using iTextSharp.

itext7-dotnet get pdf info

I downloaded the latest version (5.3.2 at the time of writing this blog post) but browsing the API up-front was not very meaningful. But I was to be disappointed, as I neither found anything in the API nor googling revealed any such feature in Pdfsharp library.īut I discovered the iTextSharp library in my Googling session which seemed to provide this feature. So when I took up this task today morning, I first started browsing PdfSharp’s API in hope of finding the classes and methods needed to sign and verify pdf documents. We had been using the PdfSharp library extensively for various projects (one of which involved some complex pdf manipulation) with very good results. Simultaneously a module was supposed to created in the organization’s portal that would allow Vendors to upload such signed documents, which would be verified for their signatures before being forwarded to various departments for processing. We were supposed to develop an easy to use desktop application which would allow Vendors to sign their pdf documents intuitively before submitting them to the Institute. I would not go into the entire workflow here which is a bit complex, for simplicity you can assume the organization had the public keys for Vendors already stored in a secure database. The organization wanted to accept documents from its Vendors online through a portal and be able to verify that the documents indeed originated from a particular Vendor. Basically we were working on an online e-Tendering portal for a semi-government organization. While working on a project, we recently came across a requirement to be able to digitally sign pdf documents in C# code using a public/private key pair and later be able to verify the signature.

Itext7-dotnet get pdf info